Monday, August 1, 2011

GREEN RHINO top secret attack plan

Top Secret Plans
TOP Secret
Date: Tuesday April 07
Mission: Help Stop Poachers
For: Green Rhinos Team Only (Maxwell Bloom is not able to see this. He is a stinker.)
Location: Limpopo Bushveld on Water Mountain
Supplies: White Rhino, Rope, Cage, Handcuffs, and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. May need to bring glove to slap Maxwell, just in case.
Plan: 1. Place bait. Open cage let out White Rhino inside. Poachers come.
2. Wait for poachers.
3. Before the poachers are able to hunt, sneak up behind the poachers.
4. Grab poacher by shirt.
5. Wait till rest of team drops out of the Green Rhino helicopter. Hand cuff poachers.
6. Repeat until day is over.

How to Dispose of Plan: Put in recycling bin and superglue the lid. 

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