Monday, August 15, 2011


if you've bin to then you probably  know about which doctor and i Lego Boy could not wait for
4.0 to come out. and so i made 4.0 and heres the story

It starts on an ice planet as a citizen on the ice planet is deciding to make an ice power pizza but first he will need the special ice that the  planet was made out of. So, he set out to get the ice needed for the pizza! When he  got there with he's dog he immediately saw  a small ice rock  he said to his dog we are going to bring home that one. when all of a sudden he heard a rumbling and at first he didn't know what it was. Then he looked up at the ice mountain and saw an avalanche coming down at him. He knew that he would either be destroyed by the power or be crushed by the rocks or freeze to death. An hour later all the rocks covering the citizen's body flew off and the citizen and his dog  had been morphed and distorted and was giant. He was completely white. He had giant claws and pinchers and glowing blue eyes. He was about thirty feet tall and his mind had been corrupetd because of all the power and the coldness and his dog had pinchers and glowing
blue eyes and a spiked tail and they decided to take over the galaxy but he knew that they would need minions to help fight the only problem the  Hero Factory. to be continued.....................

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read how the story unfolds!
