Tuesday, August 2, 2011



when the Heroes got there they asked around and they got the idea that there was something controlling the
beast that had been attacking the people in the town. They knew that it had not snowed for a while and so the dog's footprints had not been covered up by new snow. They started searching around town to find the dog's prints. They found some footprints around the local diner. The only local diner. Before they started following the footprints they knew that they were hungry. The hero's went into the diner and ordered some olive oil and a nano smoothie and an electric burger because they knew that they would have to recharge. After they were done eating, they walked out of the diner and started following the footprints. If they had looked back they would have seen the white person with pinchers and glowing blue eyes in a gray jacket with a matching hat and glasses trying to hide the glowing blue eyes. This person was following them. The hero's followed the tracks for a long time until they came to a cave. A big white cold cave. They went inside and wondered "why is this so easy?" Stormer said to the team, "Evo, Surge, Breeze, and Furno, be careful team. There are probably traps." Then the team came to a place where the path split into five different paths. They decided that they would split up and find out where the paths lead to.

Evo went down the third path down a long corridor. He thought, "there's gunna be a trap around any corner. I have to be silent and stealthy." He turned on stealth mode. That is Evo's specialty, stealth calmness. He gets it from his electric meditation. He was looking from side to side and up and down for traps when he noticed that he came to a puzzle. The ground was covered in tiles but these ones were lettered. There was a sign hanging down from the roof that said, "spell my name." He thought about what that would mean. He kept on thinking and thinking.


Furno went down the fifth path and he came to an engraving in the wall that said, "What is my favorite color?" He looked around himself to find out how to choose the answer. When he looked down and forward there were tiles with every color on them. He thought to himself, "oh this is easy the whole cave is white." He stepped on the white one and the whole corridor started rumbling. He looked around and he saw coming from behind him a giant snowball.


Stormer, the captain, had taken the fourth path. He came to a wall that had a retinal scanner. He said to himself, "well might as well get the trap over with." As soon as he put his eyes in the scanner a computer voice said, "eyes are blue. Access granted."


Surge, the blue lightning hero, went down the second path. After fifteen minutes he got to a clearing that had a big metal robot. The robot immediately said, "to pass through you must answer three questions." So Surge said, "Okay, bring it on!"
"The first question is what will you do once you get past me?"
"I'm going to go in to the door behind you."
"More specific."
Surge started thinking, "what would an evil villain say?" He finally said, "Ah-ha!"


Breeze went down the first path. She kept muttering to herself, "ladies first." Then she came to an oak door that was unlocked. She thought to herself, "why is this unlocked?" She broke a chunk of ice off the wall and threw the chunk of ice in. Nothing happened. So she went in and saw three targets. There was a bow and arrow on the wall with only one arrow. A screen appeared out of the wall that had a face on it that said, "Shoot the right target and the targets will move and you will be allowed into the door." She picked up the bow and said, "that's easy. It's never the middle one. People always thinks its the middle one. And besides, the door opens left. And so technically the target on the right side of the door would be the right one because that's where the lock is." She grabbed the bow and arrow and gracefully shot the target on the right. The door opened with a cachink.

Meanwhile Evo....

Evo was trying to think of what the person's name would be. He decided what to spell. He stepped on M and nothing happened. He stepped on Y and nothing happened. He quickly spelled "My name." He got across safely, opened the door, and went inside.

Meanwhile Furno...

Furno started running down the corridor. Running and running and running. Then he stopped and thought to himself, "why am I running from something that I am the archenemy of. I'm hot in both ways." So he turned around, aimed at the snowball, and blasted it apart with fire from his fire ray guns. He kept on walking down the corridor. In fifteen minutes he came to a door that was unlocked and he went right in without thinking. Because he's such a hot head.

Meanwhile Stormer...

Stormer went into a dark room and lights went on all around him. And in the center of the room, the very center of the room, there was a computer that was shaped like pizza. Now I'll let you in on this sneak peak. Why the computer looks like a pizza was because Freezeblixe became himself because he wanted the ice for the ice power pizza. A projection started to play. There was a face. It looked horrible. It was white and had glowing blue eyes and had pinchers. It said, "Welcome Preston Stormer. I remember the time I got your autograph when you came to our planet to install the new cameras to watch our village."
"Which person were you? I think I autographed about fifty thousand. Which one were you?"
"I was Jason Macro. Gr, I hate that name. Now I have renamed myself Frezeblixe. Mwahaha!"
The laughter slowly died as the face noticed that Stormer wasn't screaming, or yelling, or in any kind of panic. Freezeblixe said, "well, to make you scream, how about this!" A big cage made out of ice started rising out of the ground around Stormer. Stormer was trapped.

Meanwhile Breeze...

Breeze was counting her lucky stars that she had learned that in Nano Logic class which target would be the right one. As she went inside the room, there was a camera watching everything. She knew that that camera would have to go out. She hooked up he ice drill and drilled the lens off the camera. There was also a metal staff with a key in the middle. She started walking towards it.

Meanwhile Surge...

Surge as he was walking into the door he remembered what he had said to the robot. "I am going to commit some awful evilty." He went in and immediately the same kind of ice cage that trapped Stormer formed around him.


Furno was walking into the door and he hit a hard surface. It was cold too. He looked around him and realized that he was in an ice dome. He looked up to see what may have created the ice dome that also next to it was an ice ray. He thought to himself, "well they don't know that I am Furno. Hot in both ways." He aimed with his fire ray guns at the ice wall of the dome and fired at it. The fire made a small dent in the ice but other than that it bounced back at him. He thought to himself, "Oh no I am trapped. At least Stormer doesn't know that."


Evo was walking into the door very slowly. Very very slowly. He was in slow motion. He usually does that when he is trying to surprise a bad guy. He came to a giant chair. Which he sneaked around quickly and saw the evil villain. Who was talking on the phone, "yes an ice power pizza. You heard me an ice power pizza. Deliver it to Freezeblixe's cave. Evo thought to himself, "Oh his name is Freezeblixe." So he went back to the door and stealthily walked in. He said, "Hello Freezeblixe." The chair slowly turned. There was a giant white person. It's face was white like his whole body and he had pinchers and glowing blue eyes. He said to Evo "it was a mistake to come here. And you will pay for it." A chute opened up beneath Evo's feet. Evo fell down the chute. He landed in a jail cell. He shook his head and looked around him and saw that Furno Stormer, and Surge were all there trapped. They told Evo that each of them had gotten trapped in an ice dome or an ice cave and the floor had opened up beneath them like the chute that opened up beneath Evo.


Breeze was walking back through the corridor with the metal staff. She walked past the targets and then she saw something that wasn't there before. There was a door in the wall that was unlocked. She went in clutching the staff tightly. She started walking down the corridor farther and farther. There were rows and rows of cells.  Then she saw Furno, Stormer, Surge, and Evo in one of the cells. She whispered to them, "I'm going to get you out guys."
They said, "but you don't have the key."
She held up the staff triumphantly and took out the key and unlocked the cell. They stated running down the corridor but at the door they were stopped by henchmen. The henchmen had the same face as Freezeblixe. Only not as bright. They were each holding big axes. They started swinging the axes at the hero's. Unfortunately, all the hero's had been disarmed except for Breeze because she was the only one who had not been captured. She started fighting with all her might. Drilling through the axes and kicking the henchmen out cold. After all of the henchmen were knocked out cold they kept on walking and found their weapons that had been taken from them. They were about to leave the cave when a whole opened up in the floor and a platform rose out of it carrying Freezeblixe. Furno said, "Goodbye dude. And you're totally not hot." Furno aimed and fired. Freezeblixe's body started melting. When all of the melted ice was cleared they saw the citizen again. They melted all the henchmen back into citizens and they even turned the dog back into a robowa dog.

A few days later, the hero's left in their fixed ship.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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