Thursday, July 28, 2011

Green Rhino's Maxwell's Diary a Sneak Peak

Maxwell's Diary 

Dear Diary,
First, I need to make you promise something. To tell no poachers these top secret plans.
When we went up to the room to make plans the first thing Jennie said was that we needed to make plans.I thought she meant plans like get to know you over dinner. Then I suggested we go to Linger Longer restaurant. She looked at me and slapped me straight across the face. She said, "Do you even know what I'm talking about." "Of course! You want to go to a nice restaurant, talk it over dinner, have some wine, have a smooch or two. Isn't that what your talking about?" She slapped me again and again and again. She said, "Now do you know what I'm talking about?"
"Oh you means names for our kids?"  Don't tell anyone, but I have a crush on Jennie. "If you do want to think about our first child. The first child that's a boy should be named Maxwell. The second child that's a boy Maxwell. The third child that's a boy Maxwell. And for the girls Maxwellina. And let's have fifty kids. I want to create my own generation of Maxwells. Like a whole country named after me. Hail Maxwell."
She grabbed me by the shirt,"Okay Pal, you want it the hard way."The last thing I remember was her fist flying at my face then blackness. When i woke up it was nighttime and they were still talking. I got up and confessed all my feelings to her. I even proposed to her. Then she took me by the shirt against the wall and WHACK WHACK WHACK! I was out cold again and when I woke up it was midnight and they were done talking. And so that is all I remember of the plans. Well that's about it diary. Oh! and by the way, don't tell anyone I sleep with a teddy bear. Good night diary.

Kisses oh wonderful Kisses! I love Kisses my teddy bear.

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