Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dexter a Member of the dino Diggers Team

Dexter dunked a doughnut in syrup he was on his way to the dig site. when he got there he would sign a form and then he would be part of the paleontologists that were digging for dinosaur bones in Arizona. Then as he looked around he saw that they were there at the dig site. he got off the jeep and went straight to the biggest. when he walked in he realized that this was the coolest tent of all. there wear dino bones big ones and small ones. when he went to  bed he could not stop thinking about them. at midnight he was woken up by a small noise it sounded like bones clicking together. he thought that it might be sum of the boys putting the dino bones back to together. he went to the big tent  he peeked  in to the tent and saw the Dino bones putting them selves together. he  ran back to his tent and fell in to deep sleep. in the morning he was woken up by sum one yelling {the bones are gone} he got up put his cloths on and went to the big tent and in the tent. there were the boys Jed John Harry Luke Jackson and Paul. hey Dexter said Jed do you know what happened. Dexter told the boys what he saw. and they said we have to track them down before the leave the grand canyon.   

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