Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Green Rhinos Team Against Poaching

Jennie was on the United Airways plane on her way to Africa to help the African government stop poachers. When she got there she walked outside the airport and called for a taxi. She rode around for about five hours until she got to the Natal South African State House. Then she ate with the President Jacob Zuma. There were four other people at the table not including the Vice President. The President started talking. He introduced Jennie to the four other people. "This is Maxwell Bloom. He is from Ireland. Sitting next to him is Chipo. She is from South Africa and her brother Jenka will also be joining the team and he is an engineer." A boy from across the table nodded at her and she thought, "he must be Jenka." "And last of all," said the President, "is Jonah Smith. He is Italian and will be the cook for the team. I've called you all here today for all of your talents. Jennie you are an animal specialist. Jenka, an engineer, to build the vehicles you will need. And you will need very advanced technology to run your vehicles. And also Maxwell, fluent in fifty languages, including the made up kid's language piglatin. Chipo you are very good at driving vehicles. You could drive the USS Midway or you
 could shoot down the Red Baron i am done toking i have ordered a limo for all of you they walked out side a
and waiting for them was a white limo. the driver was from the USA  hi he said i am Joe i will be tacking you
any ware in this town OK! said Maxwell so ware are you staying the Cape Grace OK then it will take one
minute Jennie  counted the hole way wen they got there she was at sixty seconds they got out of the limo and told the front desk she was part of a team called the Green Rhinos and it trying  to stop poaching she they got
there key and went up to there room to talk and make plans